Setiap warna ada cerita..ada makna..ada rupa..dan sudah pasti ada serinya..Itulah warna kehidupanku...YEAY!!!

Friday 13 July 2012

The Art Of Being Well

Ahaaa...kat bawah nih ada satu kata-kata yang selalu aku simpan dan baca ketika kesihatan aku tengah turun naik suatu ketika dulu.Kata-kata yang aku dapat dari kakak tersayang yang secara tak langsung sedikit sebanyak memberi aku semangat dan inspirasi waktu itu.Ohh..aku pun tak pasti dari mana dia dapat kata-kata ini tetapi untuk makluman semua ayat-ayat ini bukan pemberian direct dari kakakku ye tetapi dia menggunakan alasan  dengan meminta aku convert slide powerpoint kepada bentuk video dan meminta aku membuat background music.Dipendekkan cerita,dalam aku buat apa yang dia suruh,sempat aku simpan dan masih aku baca hingga ke hari ini.Rasanya dah 5,6 tahun dah kut hehehe...

Aku ingat lagi,bila first time membaca ayat-ayat ini,jiwa ku terus tersentuh.Ye laa..dalam keadaan kesihatan yang tak menentu,pasti datangnya perasaan sering berputus asa.Dah jadi lumrah bila sakit kut,pelbagai perasaan datang menerpa hehehe..Tapi sebenarnya kekadang kita terlupa bahawa hidup ini terlalu indah untuk dilepaskan begitu saja.What can i say guysss...kita sentiasa perlukan sokongan, motivasi dan harus sentiasa berfikiran positif untuk melalui hidup ini. Biar segelap manapun dunia kita,percayalah pasti akan ada sinar cahaya meneranginya suatu hari nanti...sabar jer laa hehehe..Dan semalam aku terfikir untuk design satu gambar yang mungkin lebih memudahkan anda semua untuk memahaminya.Biasalah tu..aku kan suka menggunakan gambar sebagai pendekatan yang mudah dan senang difahami kuikuikui Dan dibahagian bawah lak aku copykan semua kata-kata itu semula sebagai motivasi kepada semua yang selalu rasa berputus asa.Moga-moga dengan kata-kata indah seperti ini mampu membuka minda dan hati kita...Insyaallah..Dan sudah tentunya ayat yang paling aku suka dalam kata-kata motivasi ini ialah
 "DO NOT LIVE LIFE SAD"...Enjoy ur life guysss!!! Yeay!!!

The Art of Being Well - Dr.Drauzio Varella

If you don't want to be ill..

Emotions and feelings that are hidden,repressed,end 
in illnesses as: gastris, ulcer, lumbar pains, spinal.
With time, the repression of the feelins degenerates to
the cancer.Then,we go to a confidante,to share our intimacy,
ours "secret", our errors! The dialogue,the speech,the word,
is a powerful remedy and an excellent therapy!

If you don't want to be ill..

The undecided person remains ini doubt, in anxiety,
in anguish, indecision accumulaters problems, worries
and aggressions.Human history is made of decision.
The decide is precisely to know to renounce,to know
to lose advantages and values to win others.The undecided
people are victims of gastric ailments,nervous pains
and problems of the skin.

If you don't want to be ill..

Negative people do not find solutions and they enlarge
problems.They prefer lamentation, gossip,pessimism.It 
is better to light a match that to regret the darkness.A bee
is small,but produces one of the sweetest thing that exist.We
are what we think.The negative thought generates negative energy that is transformed into illness.

If you dont't want to be ill..

Who hides reality,pretends,poses and always want to give
the impression of being well.He want to be seen as perfect,easy
going,etc but is accumulating tons of weight.A bronze
statue with feet of clay.There is nothing worse for the
health than to live on appearances and facades.These are
people with a lot of varnish and little root.Their destiny is the 
pharmacy,the hospital and pain.

If you don't want to be ill..

The refusal of acceptance and the absence of self-esteem,
make us alienate ourselves. Being at one with ourselves is the 
core of a healthy life. They who do not accept this,become
Be accepted,accept that you are accepted,accept the
criticisms.It is wisdom,good sense and therapy.

If you don't want to be ill..

who does not trust,does not communicate,is not opened ,
is not related,does not create deep and stable relations,does not
know to do true friendships.Without confidence,there is not relationship.Distrust is a lack of faith in you and in taith itself.

If you don't want to be ill...

Good humor.Laughter.Rest.Happiness.These replenish health and 
bring long life.The happy person has the gift to improve
the environment wherever they live. "Good humor saves us
from the hands of the doctor." Happiness is health and 

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